Al Fitrah


About Us


Al Fitrah is an organisation built on the concept of retaining the natural goodness that was instilled in us all.  Every child of Adam is a sinner, but the best of sinners is the one who repents. This concept of returning back to goodness through our actions is one that Al Fitrah wishes to instil in us all through benefitting the self, the family and lastly the society.

The Self

Al Fitrah is an academy which has delivered hundreds of courses, seminars, lectures and halaqaat with the aims of empowering our youth with sound authentic knowledge of Islam from the pious predecessors who understood it best.

The Family

Al Fitrah is a family orientated organisation which plans family day trips, youth camping expeditions and sister’s outings to ensure the whole family benefits from the deen that is taught in these outings


The projects Al Fitrah delivers every single year are countless; this includes fundraising for various relief charities such as Muslim Aid, Interpal, Islamic Help and others, to support projects such as Orphans and Widows projects to name a few. We have also been awarded for the great work we have done for disaster appeals like the Pakistan earthquake.

Al Fitrah also host charity events, dawah workshops and interfaith open days to bring the community together for cohesion and truly peaceful Islamic propagation in our aims to eradicate Islamophobia.


“… To let every individual create a lasting legacy of good deeds for himself changing the world he lives in and what he sends forth…”

What would dawah be like in the UK without an organisation such as Al Fitrah not existing? Al Fitrah is an organisation, which considers itself a backbone to dawah in the UK. Many of our volunteers have gone onto serving and establishing other well-known dawah organisations. Al Fitrah has also been a resource pool and aid in the collaboration of many projects such as the GPU and Ramadan TV. Through our grassroots work we have trained many people to go on and be successful and beneficial members in their communities.

Disclaimer:  The speeches and views of some of the speakers, performers, artists, poets and lecturers may not be that of our organisation.   Every one is entitled to an opinion which can be open to discussion for the sake of educational purposes while no views are to be imposed on others since compulsion is forbidden in faith.  Within the rules of good conduct, good manners and peaceful discourse we welcome our speakers to share studies, findings and experiences on their journey seeking knowledge and all are welcome to benefit, question or omit.


Past and present since 2001

Shaykh Salem al Amry
Shaykh Bilal Philip
Abu Usamah At-Thahabi
Shaykh Reda Bedeir
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